Research papers:
| Abirami, K., Swain, S., Baskaran, V., Venkatesan, K., Sakthivel, K. and Bommayasamy, N. (2021) Distinguishing three Dragon fruit (Hylocereus spp.) species grown in Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India using morphological, biochemical and molecular traits. Scientific Reports, 11: 2894 (
| Gautam, R.K., P.K. Singh, K. Venkatesan, K. Sakthivel, S.K. Zamir Ahmed, S. Swain, K. Devakumar, K. Shyam S. Rao, B.L. Meena, M.A. Iquebal and Sarika Jaiswal (2020). Intra-varietal stability performance of popular rice landrace ‘C14-8’ in the Andaman Islands. Cereal Research Communications (Springer) (doi: 10.1007/s42976-019-0003-1).
| P. K. Singh, R. K. Gautam, K. Sakthivel, S. K. Zamir Ahmed, K. Venkatesan and R. Jayakumara Varadan (2020) Augmenting Rice Productivity in Andaman and Nicobar Islands through Improved Varieties and Seed Replacement Rate. J. Indian Soc. Coastal Agric. Res. 38 (1): 1-10.
| T. V. R. S. Sharma, K. Abirami, K. Venkatesan and V. Baskaran. (2020). Evaluation of wild edible plants of Andaman and Nicobar Islands for food and nutritional security. Current Horticulture. 8(2):57-62.
| Dev, R., Sureshkumar, M., Kumar, S., Venkatesan, K., Singh, T., Tetarwal, A., Patidar, A., Dayal, D. and Meghwal, P.R. (2020) Collection, characterization, conservation and utilization of Cordia sinensis Lam.: An underexploited multipurpose fruit species of hot arid regions. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization, 1-10 (doi:10.1017/S1479262120000453).
| Maharaj Singh, K. Venkatesan and V.V. Singh (2019). Genetic variation studies among physiological characters in Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) under rainfed condition of Jaisalmer district Rajasthan, India. Legume Research (Online First Articles) (doi: 10.18805/LR-4136).
| Venkatesan, K., A. Patidar, M. Singh, M. Kumar, R.N. Kumawat, R. Dev, J. Uchoi, A. Kumar, D.S. Mertia and J.P. Singh (2019). Distribution, associated vegetation, conservation and utilization of Grewia tenax: an important underutilized shrub species of the Thar Desert of India. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and utilization, 17(1): 73-80 (doi: 10.1017/S1479262118000370).
| Suresh Kumar, M.M. Azam, K. Venkatesan, Anjly Pancholy and R.N. Kulloli (2019). Morphological and biochemical variability in aloe germplasm in hot arid region of India, Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, 25(2): 158-171 (doi: 10.1080/10496475.2019.1579147).
| Baskaran, V., K. Abirami, K. Venkatesan and P. Simhachalam (2019). Standardization of micropropagation technique for Anthurium andreanum in Andaman Island. Journal of Plant Development Sciences. 11(2): 705-709.
| Mahla, H.R., S.S. Rathore, K. Venkatesan, and R. Sharma (2018). Analysis of fatty acid methyl esters and oxidative stability of seed purpose watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) genotypes for edible oil, Journal of food science and technology. 55(4): 1552-1561.
| Dev, R., Sureshkumar, M., Venkatesan, K., Traloki Singh and Devi Dayal, (2018). Morphological and Pomological Diversity among Hairy-Leaf Cross Berry (Grewia villosa Willd) Genotypes of Arid Kachchh, Gujarat, India. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci., 7(1): 1163-1172.
| Uchoi J, Singh R.S, Bhargava, R., Krishna H., Venkatesan, K., Kumar, A. and Patidar, A.(2018). Effect of harvesting of fruits at different stage of maturityon nutritional quality of Kinnow under Hot Arid Zone of North western India. Green Farming, 9(2): 379-382.
| Abirami K, Baskaran V, Simhachalam P, Venkatesan K. and Singh DR (2018). Molecular characterization of Asplenium nidus L. – A potential ornamental fern species from Andaman. Agric. Sci. Digest., 38(4): 265-269.
| Kumar, S., Singh, J.P, Venkatesan, K, Mathur, B.K and Bhatt, R.K. (2017). Changes in seasonal vegetation and sustenance of tussocky arid rangelands under different grazing pressures. Range Management and Agroforestry. 38 (1): 35-42.
| Kumawat, R.N., Misra, A.K., Mounir, L., Mahajan, S.S. and Venkatesan, K. (2017). Seed germination behaviour as influenced by physical and chemical treatments in Grewia tenax (Forssk.). Range Management and Agroforestry. 38 (1): 134-138.
| Dev, R., Sureshkumar, M., Devi Dayal and Venkatesan, K. (2017). Genetic Diversity among Wild Grewia tenax Accessions Collected from Kachchh Region of Gujarat, India. Indian J. Plant Genet. Resour. 30(3): 286-292.
| Mahla, H.R., K. Venkatesan, and J.P. Singh (2017). Genetic variability and stability for seed yield related traits in seed purpose watermelon genotypes under rainfed situations of hot arid zone. 56: 3-4.
| Venkatesan, K. and Bhat, K.V. (2015). Microsatellite marker-based molecular characterization of small and medium-grained aromatic rice germplasm of odisha, India. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet. 47(3): 248-259.
| Venkatesan K, Bhat KV, Malik SS, Pani DR, Singh AK (2011) Correlation among Yield and Quality Traits on Small and Medium-grained Aromatic Rices of Orissa. Pusa AgriScience 34: 47-54.
| Maharaj Singh, N.K. Sinha, K. Venkatesan and P. Raja (2014). Canopy temperature depression and its effect on seed set and seed yield of Sewan grass (Lasiurus indicus Henr.). Journal of Agrometeorology, 16 (Special Issue-I): 274-277.
R.K. Gautam, P.K. Singh, K. Sakthivel, K. Venkatesan, Archana Sharma, Shyam Sunder Rao, M.N. Das, Sheela Pal and S.K. Zamir Ahmed (2018). Agro-morphological fingerprinting of rice varieties of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair- pp 56.
Conference proceedings/ papers/ Abstracts in Congress:
| Venkatesan, K., Prithivi, M., Manimaran, D.R., Gautam, R.K., Singh, P.K., Sakthivel, K., Zamir Ahmed, S.K. and Rao, S.S. (2020) Genetic variability on Beachpea (Vigna marina) collected from Andaman and Nicobar Islands for salt tolerance using SSR markers. (In) Souvenir on International Web-Conference on New Trends in Agriculture, Environmental & Biological Sciences for Inclusive Development (NTAEBSID-2020) during 21-22, June, 2020, rganized by AEDS, Rampur (UP), p.37.
| Abirami, K., Baskaran, V., Jerard, B.A. and Venkatesan, K. (2020). Morphological characterization of dragon fruit (Hylocereus sp) accessions in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. (In) Souvenir on International Web-Conference on New Trends in Agriculture, Environmental & Biological Sciences for Inclusive Development (NTAEBSID-2020) during 21-22, June, 2020, organized by AEDS, Rampur (UP), p.143-144.
| Uchoi, J., Venkatesan, K, Devi dayal and J.P. Singh. (2017). Performance evaluation of Opuntia ficus-indica through cladode regeneration at hot arid region of Jaisalmer, India. In: Suresh Kumar, Devi Dayal, M. Shamsudheen, D. Machiwal and O.P. Yadav (eds.) Cactus Pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) in India. Proc. National Review Meeting on Cactus Pear. January 16-18, 2017, ICAR-CAZRI, RRS, Kukma-Bhuj. pp. 35-37.
| Maharaj Singh, Venkatesan, K. and Uday Burman (2015). Enhancing seed set and seed yield of sewan grass (Lasiurus sindicus) through physiological approaches. (In) 23rd International Grassland Congress organized by Rangeland Management Society of India at New Delhi, India during 20-24, November, 2015.
| Suresh Kumar, Singh, JP. and Venkatesan, K. (2015). Effect of sheep grazing and rainfall on the ecology of Lasiurus sindicus-dominated grassland in hot arid zone of India. (In) 23rd International Grassland Congress organized by Rangeland Management Society of India at New Delhi, India during 20-24, November, 2015.
| Radha Krishnan, P. and Venkatesan, K. (2014). Throughfall, stemflow and rainfall interception in important tree species of Indian Thar Desert. (In: Abstracts of the Research papers in Biological Sciences) 84th Annual Session and Symposium on "Desert Science – Challenges and Opportunities" organized by The National Academy of Sciences, India during December 04-06, 2014. Abstract: 104.
| H.R. Mahla and Venkatesan, K (2014). Variability and stability in seed purpose watermelon genotypes under rainfed situations of Arid zone. (In: Abstracts and short communications) National Symposium on "Crop Improvement for Inclusive Sustainable Development" held at PAU, Ludhiana during 7-9, November, 2014.
| Maharaj Singh, N.K. Sinha, K. Venkatesan, P. Raja (2014). Canopy temperature depression and its effect of seed set and seed yield of sewan grass (Lasiurus sindicus L.). (In: Compendium-cum-Abstract) The International Symposium on "New Dimensions in Agrometeorology for sustainable Agriculture" held at GBPUAT, Pantnagar, 16-18 October, 2014. Pp. 79.
| Maharaj Singh, Kumawat, R.N., Venkatesan, K., Singh, J.P. and Prathibha Tiwari. (2015). Jaisalmer jila ki pramukh kharif faslo ki unnat shasya kiryane. CAZRI, Jodhpur (Hindi).
| Radha Krishnan, P. and Venkatesan, K. (2014). Throughfall, stemflow and rainfall interception in important tree species of Indian Thar Desert. (In: Abstracts of the Research papers in Biological Sciences) 84th Annual Session and Symposium on "Desert Science – Challenges and Opportunities" organized by The National Academy of Sciences, India during December 04-06, 2014. Abstract: 104.
| H.R. Mahla and Venkatesan, K (2014). Variability and stability in seed purpose watermelon genotypes under rainfed situations of Arid zone. (In: Abstracts and short communications) National Symposium on "Crop Improvement for Inclusive Sustainable Development" held at PAU, Ludhiana during 7-9, November, 2014.
| Maharaj Singh, N.K. Sinha, K. Venkatesan, P. Raja (2014). Canopy temperature depression and its effect of seed set and seed yield of sewan grass (Lasiurus sindicus L.). (In: Compendium-cum-Abstract) The International Symposium on "New Dimensions in Agrometeorology for sustainable Agriculture" held at GBPUAT, Pantnagar, 16-18 October, 2014. Pp. 79.
| Maharaj Singh, Kumawat, R.N., Venkatesan, K., Singh, J.P. and Prathibha Tiwari. (2015). Jaisalmer jila ki pramukh kharif faslo ki unnat shasya kiryane. CAZRI, Jodhpur (Hindi).
| Suresh Kumar, Singh, JP., Saha, D. and Venkatesan, K. (2015). Phyto Diversity (higher plants) in Indian Arid Zone. DEN Newsletter, 17(4) (Oct.-Dec.), 2015.
| Anil Patidar and Venkatesan K. (2018). Indigofera oblongifolia Forsk. – An under-utilized shrub of Thar Desert of India. DEN News 20 (3-4): 9.
Chapter in compendium:
| Singh, J.P. and Venkatesan, K. (2016). Conservation and utilization of plant biodiversity in hot arid ecosystem. (In) Model Training Course: Horticulture based farming system for arid region, Febraury 22-29, 2016. Edited and compiled lectures, Sukla, AK., Jangid, BL., Gupta, DK., Keerthika, A., Noor Mohamed, MB. and Kachhawaha, S. (eds.) ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Regional Research Station, Pali, Rajasthan. P58-63.
| Singh, J.P., V.S. Rathore and K. Venkatesan. (2016). Conservation of plant genetic resources through agroforestry system. In: Compendium of ICAR-Sponsored Summer School on "Livelihood and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation through Agroforestry" 3rd to 23rd August 2016 at CAZRI, Jodhpur. pp. 391-400.
Book chapters:
| Sakthivel, K., Gautam, R.K., Singh, P.K., Venkatesan, K. and Abirami, K. (2020). Oyster Mushroom – A Boon for skill based economic empowerment of women in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. In "Women Empowerment through Skill Development Opportunities and Challenges. College of JNRM, Port Blair, pp.1-252.
| Sakthivel, K., B. Gangaiah, R.K. Gautam, V.K. Pandey, P.K. Singh and K. Venkatesan (2019). Mushroom Cultivation in Andaman & Nicobar Islands (2019). – Present and Future Prospects. In: A.S. Krishnamoorthy et al., (eds.). Mushrooms – Rise of Research and Retreats for Humanity, pp.154-163.
| Sakthivel K, Pandey VK, Gautam RK and Venkatesan K. (2019). Mushroom production: As a foot loose industry in integrated farming system. In: Gangaiah et al. (eds.). An overview of integrated farming systems of coastal India. ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair, pp. 41-43.
| Venkatesan, K., R.K. Gautam, P.K. Singh, K. Sakthivel and B. Rakesh (2019). Biodiversity for promoting farming as a vocation. In: Gangaiah et al. (eds.). An overview of integrated farming systems of coastal India. ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair, pp. 60-65.
| Dev R., Kannan V., Kumar M.S., Dayal D., Patel R. (2019) Grewia Species: Diversity, Distribution, Traditional Knowledge and Utilization. In: Mariod A. (eds) Wild Fruits: Composition, Nutritional Value and Products. Springer, Cham. (DOI:
| P.K. Singh, K. Venkatesan and T.P. Swarnam (2018). Rice genetic resources in tropical islands: Biodiversity and climate change adaptation in tropical islands (Eds. Chandrakasan Sivaperuman, Ayyam Velmurugan, Awnindra Kumar Singh and Iyyappan Jaisankar) Publisher: Andre Gerhard Wolf Acquisition, Elsevier, pp. 365-367.
| Sakthivel, K., Gautam, R.K., Singh, P.K., Venkatesan, K. and Abirami, K. (2018) Disease Management of selected spice crops. In "Spices of Islands: Potentials and way forward for profitability. ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair, pp.1-252.
| Venkatesan, K. (2017). Does Organic Farming Benefit Biodiversity Conservation or Vice Versa. In: Organic Farming in Tropical Islands of India (eds.,) B. Gangaiah, A. Kundu, K. Abirami, S. Swain, T. Subramani and S. K. Zamir Ahmed, ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair, pp.239-245.
Technical/Popular articles:
| Singh JP, Venkatesan K, Maharaj Singh and Daleep Singh (2016-17) Gangran (Grewia tenax) shubhk marushthal ki bhaghuupyogki jhadi. Maru Bhagwani, Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, Bikaner. Pp: 110-112.
| Rajarajan K, Venkatesan K, Handa AK, Dhyani SK, Vimala Devi (2014) Agroforestry- an Alternative Livelihood Option in Tamil Nadu. Indian farming 64(7): 18-21.
| H.R. Mahla, P. Santra, K. Venkatesan, J.P. Singh and R.K. Bhatt (2015) Mateera: Barani Dasa me Bahupyogi Mishrit Fasal. Maru Krishi Chayanika, CAZRI, Jodhpur pp. 175-178. (Hindi)
| Singh, J.P., Suresh Kumar, Venkatesan, K. and Kulloli, R.N. (2014) Pimpa (Caralluma edulis): A Traditional Food cum Medicinal Plant of Thar Desert. CAZRI News, No.1 (Apr.-Jun.), 2014-15.
| Venkatesan, K., Maharaj Singh, Raja, P., Daleep Singh and Singh, J.P. (2014) Effect of browsing pressure on survival of Grewia tenax in Jaisalmer district. CAZRI News, No.4 (Jan.-Mar.), 2013-14.
| Maharaj Singh, Raja, P., Venkatesan, K. and Singh, J.P. (2014) Effects of frost on different plant species at Chandan, Jaisalmer. CAZRI News, No.4 (Jan.-Mar.), 2013-14.