Last Updated:23rd Aug,2022  

Farmers rice varieties registered at PPV&FRA

CARI Dhan 1
CARI Dhan 1


Also called as “Choi-chi-manai which in Burmese means it can grow without manure. It is nutritive, gives high yield and used for lunch.

CARI Dhan 2
CARI Dhan 2

White Burma

Sticky when cooked and used for Lassa/breakfast and gives energy for long time.

CARI Dhan 3
CARI Dhan 3

Red Burma

It is a tall and long duration (145 days) rice genotype. Long panicles (27 cm) and grains husk colour is red, It has high amylose content.

CARI Dhan 4
CARI Dhan 4

Black Burma

It is sticky when cooked and ‘halwa’ is prepared from its flour which is better than ‘maida’ and used for breakfast.

CARI Dhan 5
CARI Dhan 5


It is used for both lunch and dinner. It has high yield, small grains and good taste.

CARI Dhan 6
CARI Dhan 6


It is best in terms of taste, quality and soft like basmati rice. It is used for both lunch and dinner preparation.

 ICAR Mail