Last Updated:23rd June,2022  

“Regional Station, ICAR- CIARI, conducts Beach Cleaning Drive, at Minicoy, Lakshadweep”

About Institute
Regional Station, ICAR- CIARI, conducts Beach Cleaning Drive on occassion of World Environment Day 2022

The scientific team of ICAR-CIARI Regional Station, Minicoy organized a beach clean-up drive at Western side of the coast along with officials from ALHW in a stretch area of 200 meters (site to the boundary near to Naval detachment unit, Minicoy) on 05/06/2022 under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on ‘World Environment Day 2022’. The team collected around 12 bags of litters comprising of abandoned nylon nets, plastic caps, bottles, plastic bags,drums, cans,Styrofoam, etc. The team sensitized the people in the area on good citizen science practices to be followed and to spread the message of clean and green India. Also aim to spread the message to work towards a plastic-free, litter-free and pollution-free towards sustainable environment.

The scientific team comprising of Dr. Gladston Y., Mrs. Ajina S.M. & Dr. S.K Zamir Ahmed along with Mr. Shareefuddeen Hassan (T3) conducted the programme under the Chairmanship of Dr. E. B. Chakurkar, Director ICAR- CIARI.

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