Last Updated:12th July,2024  

Dr. R Kiruba Sankar

Senior Scientist, Division of Fisheries Science

Discipline Fish and Fisheries Science
Research interests and current focus: Aquatic ecosystems, planning, conservation and management
Research Experienced (in years): 11 Years
Link of Krishi portal profile:
Link of Google Scholar profile:
e-mail Id:
Mobile No +91 9531830514
+91 9933281878
All India Network project on Mariculture
Coastal fisheries information hub (Science-technology hub)
National surveillance programme on aquatic animal diseases
Dissemination of feed-based aquaculture practices
Valorization of fish waste
Gramin Krisi Mausam Seva
Developing mobile apps for marine fishery management
Marine faunal biodiversity of Nicobar group of Islands
Mariculture of marine finfishes and shellfishes of Andaman Islands
Determination of conservation value of mangroves of Andaman Islands
Assessment of stock of Neretic sharks of Andaman Islands
Diversity and distribution of self-recruiting species in Andaman Islands
Diversity and distribution of Groupers and Snappers of Andaman Islands
Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Award for Outstanding Research in Tribal Farming Systems-2018 (Team Leader): Awarded on ICAR foundation day and awards ceremony on 16 July 2019 at New Delhi.
Best Scientist Award- Awarded by ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair for the period (2015-16) during 38th Foundation day of ICAR-CIARI June 2016
Young Scientist Award- Awarded by Andaman Science Association for the year 2016
Fellow Award - Awarded by Andaman Science Association during the year 2016
Award for Best Institutional Building awarded by ICAR-CIARI for the period (2018-19) during 42nd foundation day of ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair.
Award for Best English publication awarded by ICAR-CIARI for the period (2018-19) during 42nd foundation day of ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair
Kiruba- Sankar R, P Krishnan, S Dam Roy, Raymond Jani Angel et al(2018) Structural complexity and tree species composition of mangrove forests of Andaman Islands, India. Journal of Coastal Conservation. 22(2) 217-234
Kiruba-Sankar R, Kumar, K L, Saravanan, K, Praveenraj J (2019) Poaching in Andaman and Nicobar Coasts: insights. Journal of Coastal Conservation. 23:95-109
Kiruba Sankar R., Titus Immanuel, M.P. Goutham Bharathi and S. Dam Roy (2016) Additions to the Opisthobranch Fauna of Nicobar Group of Islands, India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 45(2): 319-322
Kiruba-Sankar, R, N.K.Chadha, S. Dam-Roy, Paramita Banerjee, Neelam Saharan and P. Krishnan(2016) Marine Sponges as Biological Indicators of Oligotrophic Andaman waters. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences 45(2): 338-341
Kiruba-Sankar, R., N K Chadha., S Dam-Roy., Paromita-Banerjee, Neelam Saharan., and P Krishnan (2016) Growth and survival of marine sponges Stylissa massa and Liosina paradoxa under sea and land-based conditions. Indian Journal of Fisheries 63(4): 55-60
Kiruba-Sankar, R, Krishnan P, George G, Kumar, KL, Angel JRJ, Saravanan K, Roy SD (2021) Fisheries governance in the tropical archipelago of Andaman and Nicobar- opinions and strategies for sustainable management. Journal of Coastal Conservation.
Kiruba-Sankar, R, Praveenraj J, Saravanan, K, Kumar, KL, Haridas, H, Biswas, U (2021) Stakeholder perceptions and strategies for management of non-native freshwater fishes of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 24(2): 96-104
Kiruba Sankar, R., Dam-Roy, S., Grinson-George, Kamal-Sarma, Krishnan, P., Ram-Kumar, M., Kaliyamoorthy, M., Goutham-Bharathi, M.P (2013) Fishery and exploitation of Malabar Grouper, Epinephelus malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) from Andaman Islands. Asian Fisheries Science, 26(3): 167-175
Kiruba-Sankar, R, Kumar KL, Angel JRJ, Salim SS, Saravanan K, Krishnan P, Ravikumar T, Roy SD (2020) Impact assessment of marine fisheries interventions among the tribal fisher commune of Car Nicobar Island. Journal of Marine Biological Association of India
R Kiruba Sankar, Ram N, George G, Krishnan P (2015) Diversity and fishery of self recruiting species in Andaman Islands. Journal of Inland Fisheries Society of India. 47(2) 38-43
R Kiruba-Sankar, K Vinod, Roy SD, P Krishnan, Chadha NK, Sawant PB (2017) Cultivation of marine sponges with pharmaceutical value: Status and future prospects in India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied sciences. 6(12) 4334- 4351
R Kiruba Sankar, P Krishnan, George G, Bharathi MP, Rajesh N, Roy SD (2013) Short term analysis of Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) And Gut content analysis of Groupers and Snappers from Port Blair. Journal of Andaman Science Association. 18(2) 170-174
Saravanan K, Sivaramakrishnan T, Praveenraj J, Kiruba-Sankar R, Haridas H, Kumar S, Varghese B (2021) Effects of single and multi-strain probiotics on the growth, hemato-immunological, enzymatic activity, gut morphology and disease resistance in Rohu, Labeo rohita. Aquaculture.
Saravanan, K, R Kiruba-Sankar, Junaid, K, Hashmi AS, Velmurugan, A, Haridas, H, Sreepriya P, Deepitha RP, Laxmi MNV (2021) Baseline assessment of marine debris with soi, sediment and water quality characteristics from the fish landing centres of South Andaman. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 172, 112879.
Saravanan, K, Praveenraj J, Kiruba-Sankar R, Devi,V, Biswas U, Kumar, TS, Sudhagar A, El-Matbouli M, Kumar G (2021) Co-Infection of Infectious Hypodermal and Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV) and White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) in the Wild Crustaceans of Andaman and Nicobar Archipelago, India. Viruses, 13(7), 1378.
Book and Book Chapters:
R Kiruba Sankar, Praveenraj J, Saravanan, K et al (2018) Invasive species in freshwater ecosystems- threats to ecosystem services published by Academic press, Elsevier
Dam Roy S, Krishnan P, Patro S, George G, Velmurugan A, Kiruba Sankar R, Purvaja R (2017) Wetlands of Small Island Nations in South Asia vis-à-vis the Mainland and Island Groups in India: Status and Conservation Strategies. In: Prusty B.,Chandra R., Azeez P. (eds) Wetland Science. Springer, New Delhi.
S Dam Roy, P Krishnan, A Velmurugan, A, Anand, Grinson George, R KirubaSankar, TP Swarnam (2017) Wetlands of Tropical Islands under Changing Climate: A Case from Nicobar Group of Islands, India. In: Prusty B., Chandra R., Azeez P. (eds) Wetland Science. Springer, New Delhi.
Dam Roy S and Kiruba Sankar R (2018) Marine fishery resources of Andaman and Nicobar Islands: Resources and augmentation measures for sustainable exploitation. In (Tripathi SD et al (2018) eds Aquaculture in India. Narendra Publishing House.
Policy documents developed:
R Kiruba-Sankar, Utpal Kumar Sar, Vinith Kumar, N.V., Abdul Nazar, A.K., Raymond Jani Angel, J., Dam Roy, S., Saravanan, K., Zamir Ahmed, S.K. and Kundu, A., 2019. Expanding open sea cage culture in Andaman and Nicobar Islands: Blue growth perspective. CIARI Policy Brief/01 pp. 16.
R Kiruba-Sankar, R, Utpal Kumar Sar, Vinith Kumar, N.V., Raymond Jani Angel, J., Dam Roy, S., Lohith Kumar, K., Saravanan, K., Zamir Ahmed, S.K. and Kundu, A., 2019. From theory to practice: Sustainable marine fishery perspective for Andaman and Nicobar Islands. CIARI Policy Brief/02 pp. 12.
A. Kundu, S. K. Zamir Ahmed, Jai Sunder, B. Gangaiah, B.A. Jerard, R. Kiruba-Sankar, S. Dam Roy, R.K. Gautam, P.K. Singh, D. Bhattacharya,T. Janakiram and W.S. Dhillon (2019). Strategies for development of agriculture and its allied sectors for Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands. CIARI Policy Brief/03 pp. 16.
Patent granted: A method and an apparatus for developing gonadal maturity in carps. Inventors: S. K Sarkar, Ashis Saha, S Dasgupta, Samiran Nandi, N Sarangi, P Routray, D K Verma, J Mohanty, R Kiruba Sankar and S Ayyappan. Patent Number: 275820, Granted in: 22 Sep 2016, Patentee: Indian Council of Agriculture Research
Products: Carp grower feed; Carp starter feed
Andaman Science Association
Aquatic Ecosystem and Health Management Society
 ICAR Mail