Last Updated:23rd Jan, 2023  

Sensitization on IPM & input distribution under STC, at Regional Station Minicoy, Lakshadweep of ICAR- CIARI, conducted

Regional Station, Minicoy of ICAR-CIARI Port Blair, conducted a “Sensitization on Integrated Pest Management(IPM)under Schedule Tribe Component (STC)” for the welfare of tribal farmersof Minicoy from 09th to 13th January 2023.

Speaking on the inaugural occasion, the Chief Guest Dr. Shrikant R. Tapdiya, the Deputy Collector of Minicoy expressed his happiness on the technological intervention in Nutritious kitchen garden, and roof top gardening, beside on the R & D activities and new initiatives of ICAR-CIARI, Regional Station,Minicoy.

The scientific team comprising of Dr. Gladston Y. and Dr. Ajina S. M. interacted with the farmers and impressed upon nutritious kitchen garden, backyard vegetable farming and fruit production technology, and on the pest and diseases and how to control through IPM involving biological methods. Shri. Shareefuddeen Hassan, Senior Technical Assistant and Shri. Arif M.I., Senior Technician and the Coordinator of the programme informed about the technical know-how and do-how to the participants in ‘Mahl’ (the local language).

The scientific team visited Bada, Aoumagu, Boduathiri, New Boduathiri, Rammedu, Sadivalu, Aloodi, Funhilol, Kudehi, Fallessery and Kendi party cluster of villages and South Pandaram to sensitize about IPM practices.

On the concluding day inputs like Pheromone trap with lure for melon fly and fruit fly control were provided to the farmers in presence of the officials of Department of Agriculture Shri. Kunjikoya. A total of 47 females and 34 maletribal farmers totaling to 81 got benefited by the program.

Dr. Ajina S.M, and Dr. Gladston Y, Convener, Coordinator Shri. Shareefuddeen Hassan & Shri Arif M.I., Dr.S.K. Zamir Ahmed, Nodal Officer, Lakshadweep coordinated the overall conduct of programme under the Chairmanship of Dr. Eaknath B. Chakurkar, Director, ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair.

 ICAR Mail