Last Updated:10th November, 2023  

Capacity building on agricultural practices for Nicobari farmers by ICAR-CIARI

A scientific team of ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Garacharma visited Perka, Tapoiming and Chukchucha villages of Car Nicobar between 30th October 2023 to 5th November 2023 and conducted capacity building programmes for Nicobari tribal farmers on “Climate resilient Agricultural Practices for Island based Cropping System”. During the programme, Dr. I. Jaisankar, Senior Scientist (Ago forestry) explained about the use of multipurpose tree species for efficient resource utilization, conservation of endemic plant biodiversity to mitigate the impact of climate change, scientific tuber crops cultivation, tuber crops based farming system, CIARI technologies and organic waste management. Dr. Santosh Kumar, Senior Scientist & Head, KVK, Nicobar explained about the package of practices of potential vegetable crops for a nutritious kitchen garden and its nursery management.

In total, 191 farmers from 3 villages participated in this series of awareness cum training programme. All were given farm implements such as crow bar, pick axe, spade, axe) and PVC coated wired mesh for strengthening the farm. Besides, the livestock farmers were given deworming medicines and vitamin tonic for health and management of the farm animals. As part of the demonstration two numbers of Dweep-vertigrow technology were established at two villages for its further scaling up. The whole programme was conducted under the guidance of Dr. E.B. Chakurkar, Director, CIARI.

 ICAR Mail