Last Updated:12th June, 2024  

Patent granted to ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair for AN “ACARICIDE FORMULATION”

ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute has been granted a patent for an invention entitled “AN ACARICIDE FORMULATION FOR THE CONTROL OF TICKS IN FARM ANIMALS” on 10th June, 2024

The invention involves the preparation of an unique acaricide formulation for the control of ticks in farm animals. The main advantage of the formulation is that only one single active chemical ingredient in minute concentrations has been used; which is eco-friendly. The preparation has larvicidal and adulticide properties in animals, do not pick up infection up to 180 days post treatment even if after exposure to infective stage and egg hatchability of adult female engorged tick was 0%. This invention was developed by a team of Scientists comprising of Dr. T. Sujatha, Dr. D. Bhattacharya, Dr. Arun Kumar De, Dr. P. Perumal Dr. Jai Sunder and Dr. E.B.Chakurkar.

 ICAR Mail