Last Updated:23rd June,2022  

IPM Module for Fruit Fly management in cucurbits

Technology brief

An IPM module has been developed for the successful management of cucurbit fruit fly under island conditions. The IPM module comprising of installation of cue-lure baited traps @ 50 traps/ha for mass trapping, weekly clipping of infested fruits, foliar spray of aqueous leaf extracts of Morinda citrifolia @ 100g/l and foliar spray of spinosad 45SC or imidacloprid 17.8SL @ 0.3ml/l alternately at 15 days interval was found effective with respect to less fruit damage due to fruit fly (9%) and maximum fruit yield (10.75 t/ha) in bitter gourd and ridge gourd as compared to untreated control (39.3% fruit damage and fruit yield 5.53t/ha).

Scope (application of agro-climatic zone:

It can be adopted for fruit fly management during cucurbit cultivation under islands conditions.


Rs. 20,000/ha


IPM module for cucurbit fruit fly management gave higher cost benefit ratio of 1:3.35 in IPM and 1:2.30 in non-IPM fields of bitter gourd. Similarly, IPM module for fruit fly management in ridge gourd gave cost benefit ratio of 1:1.99 in IPM compared to 1:1.23 in non-IPM fields.


Director, Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair-744 101, Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

 ICAR Mail