Last Updated:04th July,2022  

Training cum-awareness on Scientific Management of HYV of Rice at North and Middle Andaman conducted by ICAR-CIARI

Two training cum-awareness programmes were conducted on Scientific Management of HYVs of Rice at North and Middle Andaman by ICAR-CIARI for the benefit of rice farmers at Basantipur, Gram Panchayat Hall, Nimbudera on 27th June, 2022 in association with KVK, Nimbudera & on 28th June, 2022 at Madhupur Gram Panchyat Hall, Diglipur.

The team comprising of Dr P. K. Singh, Principal Scientist and Course Director along with Dr. S. K. Zamir Ahmed, Principal Scientist, Dr K. Venkatesan, Scientist, Course Convenors and Er. Manoj Kumar, SMS with the technical support of Mr. Shyam Sunder Rao explained in detailed on the best management practices for better yield, like selection of seeds & varieties, nursery management, use of farmers wisdom / rural people knowledge in pest and disease management, importance of quality seed production, harvesting, milling along with marketing involving forward & backward linkages. The farmers were ask to witness the promising rice varieties demonstrated at KVK farm at every stages and offer their feedback for its upscaling.

The interaction session was followed by field visit and documentation of farmers and youth perception towards farming as livelihood. Total of 4 quintal truthfully labelled seeds of pulse produced through participatory mode were obtained from trained farmers of North Andaman under AICRP on Seed (Crops) project for technological application during Rabi season. Also the team selected farmers for conducting FLD on vegetables under National Extension Programme during Kharif at North Andaman.

Shri. Shyamal Debnath, Gram Pradhan was the Chief Guest at Madhupur Gram Panchyat. He was of great appreciation to the intervention carried out by CIARI and requested for many more sensitization programmes in allied fields also. He also put forth the farmer’s aspirations and the need for farming as better livelihood. A total of 47 farmers (42 male and 5 female) participated in both the trainings.

 ICAR Mail