Last Updated:23rd June,2022  

Korangi banana for nutritional security

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Korangi banana for nutritional security

Banana constitutes a major share in the fruit production of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Among the varieties being cultivated in the islands, Korangi holds a special place particularly in North and Middle Andaman Islands. Each bunch of this variety contains seven or more hands, each containing about 10 to 14 fruits. The fruits could be easily distinguished from other varieties with their delicious, golden yellow pulp and fibrous, thick peel. Being thick skinned, fruits have good shelf life. In general, banana fruits are not so rich in vitamin A. However, studies at ICAR-CIARI have revealed that its fruits have 12.3 microgram per gram pulp of total carotenoids. In simpler terms, fruits have higher vitamin A content than commercial banana varieties such as Grande Naine. Hence, its fruits will provide additional nutritional benefits to the consumers. Plants come to bearing after 14 to 16 months of planting. Plants grow tall and are amenable for intercropping in both coconut and arecanut gardens. It is suggested to do replanting after taking one main crop and two ratoon crops (subsequent crops from a single mat) to maintain plant vigour and yield of the crop. Removal of male flower after complete opening of female hands is beneficial for improving fruit size.

Benefit:Bringing more area under Korangi cultivation could improve the availability of fruits in local markets, thereby improving the nutritional security of island dwellers.

Source : Contact person with Name, Designation e-mail and phone no: Dr.Pooja Bohra, Scientist (Fruit Science), Division of Horticulture and Forestry, ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair. Email:, Phone: 9933263442

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