Concrete support structures are highly suitable for successful dragon fruit cultivation in A & N Islands. One year old rooted cuttings about 12 inches in length are selected for planting in structures like unused tyres or concrete square structures with spacing of 3 x 3 m in open condition. Four cuttings are planted per pillar. Once the planted cuttings start growing, the stems are tied with these columns. It is recommended to have round/circular metal frame or concrete square structure at the top of the pillar to maintain the balanced dragon fruit shoots in drooping form. Organic matter plays key role in dragon fruit cultivation. Each plant should be applied with 10 to 15 kg of organic compost/organic fertilizers. Thereafter, increase the organic fertilizer amount by 5 kg per year per pole. Dragon fruit require less water as it belongs to the cacti family. During prolonged summer watering may be done. The flowering will initiate in the second year after planting during March and fruiting continues upto November. Pollination is by honey bees and bats. Yield gets stabilized from third year after planting. Once the crop is established in trellis system, the longevity of the crop is upto twenty years. On an average 8 to 10 Kg of fruits can be harvested from a single pole from 4th year after planting. Fruits are harvested 25 to 30 days after flowering and the suitable stage of harvesting is when colour changes completely from green to pink/ red colour.
Benefit:It has huge potential for industrial exploitation and can emerge as a commercial venture for more economic returns. The crop is easy to cultivate with less managemental care. The crop can also be established in a small area and hence is a boon to landless farmers’ for their sustainable livelihood
Source : Contact person with Name, Designation e-mail and phone no: Dr. K. Abirami, Senior Scientist E-mail: Mob: 9933278631