Last Updated:23rd June,2022  

Cheena Kela – a local banana cultivar

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Cheena Kela – a local banana cultivar

Cheena Kela is a commonly cultivated local cultivar in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. This cultivar is similar to karpuravalli variety of mainland. This is a hardy cultivar suited for hardy conditions. This cultivar belongs to the triploid genomic group ABB. The plants are tall, robust growing to a height of 3-4 m. Psuedostem has a circumference of 50-70 cm and light pink in colour. Leaf production is more in this cultivar and is suitable to grow for leaf purpose. Inflorescense emerges 12-13 months after planting and bunches are harvested 15 -16 months after planting. Bunch weight ranges from 15-18 Kg. The number of hands per bunch varies from 8-12 with 14-16 fruits per hand. Pulp is creamish white in colour, firm and very sweet. Fruits have long keeping quality and they do not drop off upon ripening and hence suited for long distance transportation. This cultivar is grown as a homestead crop in different parts of the Island.

Benefit:This cultivar is highly suitable to grow as intercrop in plantation based cropping system with good remuneration and is highly preferred by ethnic groups of the Island.

Source :Contact person with Name, Designation e-mail and phone no: Dr. K. Abirami, Senior Scientist, Email:, Phone: 9933278631

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