Last Updated:23rd June,2022  

Blood fruit: a potential fruit cum natural colourant

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Blood fruit: a potential fruit cum natural colourant

Technology description: Blood fruit is a perennial, woody climber that grows taking support of large trees in its natural habitat. Plants bear sweetish sour fruits in bunches, which originate directly from the stem. In backyard gardens, it could be grown using large trees such as mango, jackfruit etc. as live standards and hence, does not require additional space for its cultivation.Fruits have dark red, juicy pulp owing to which it is known as blood fruit. Fruit clusters are borne on old wood and are of about 30-45 cm length weighing 1.0-1.5 kg each. As the fruits are collected from wild/semi-wild conditions and sold in local markets at the rate of Rs. 250- 300/- per kg, efforts were made to popularize it as a backyard crop among the island farmers so that the natural populations are conserved. Nursery techniques have been standardized and regenerated seedlings are beingprovided to various stakeholders to promote the species as a crop. Pulp was found to be a rich source of anthocyanins of which Pelargonidin and Cyanidin were the dominant ones. Use of blood fruit pulp as a natural colourant was also demonstrated.

Growing a few liana in the backyards could serve as additional source of income to the farmers besides being a source of nutrients. Further, use of pulp as a natural colourant for beverages could be promoted among the island hoteliers or caterers

Dr. Pooja Bohra, Scientist, Email : , Phone : 9933263442 (source: Division of Horticultural & Forestry, ICAR-CIARI, Port Blair)

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