Heliconia wagnerianais commonly known as Easter Heliconia. This is an evergreen, perennial, rhizomatous, erect, herbaceous species growing to a height of 1.5 -3.0 m. The leaves are alternate, oblong with pointed apex, green in colour and the sheathing tubular foliar bases forming a 1-1.5 m long flattened psuedostem. The inflorescence is sessile, 45 cm long, erect spike, waxy, overlapped at the base and wholly wrapping the rachis. Bracts are of Pinkish red colour with pale yellow edge and green margins. The bracts secrete a liquid that gathers in the cavity besides rainwater. This species is highly adapted to grow in humid tropical and subtropical climate and preferably in shaded condition. This species is a short-day plant and can be a suitable intercrop in plantation based cropping system with peak flowering during summer season. The shelf life of the spike is 10-15 days. The popular varieties in the species areH. Wagneriana Cv. Rainbow, H. wagneriana Cv. Turbo and H. wagneriana Cv. Big Red
Benefit:Heliconia wagnerianahas huge ornamental potential as cut flower and in landscape horticulture with prolonged flowering habit.It can also be grown in spacious pots for decoration of patios and balconies.
Source :Contact person with Name, Designation e-mail and phone no: Dr. V. Baskaran, Principal Scientist Email:V.Baskaran@icar.gov.in Phone: 9933292110