Last Updated:23rd June,2022  

Heliconia stricta commonly known as Red Lobster Claw

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Heliconia stricta commonly known as Red Lobster Claw

Heliconia stricta is native to Bolivia, Brazil. This species is It is evergreen perennial rhizomatous erect herbaceous species growing to a height of 1.5 to 3.0 m. Foliage is banana like with waxy coating on stems and lower mid ribs. This species is the most diverse type of all Heliconias. The species grows well in humid tropical region with soil rich in organic matter. The species can be propagated by rhizomes or division of clumps. The inflorescence is 30 – 40 cm long with sessile and erect terminal spike. The number of bracts ranges from 5 -9 in each inflorescence with broader bases which decrease in upward direction and become pointed at apex. The bracts are red or scarlet orange coloured with thin green yellowish border which attracts humming birds. The flowers are long lasting and the vase life extends upto 12 days. Number of spikes per clump per year is 20-25. The stalk length of flower is about 50 cm. the flowering season of the species is December to June. This species is a short-day plant and hence suited to grow in partially shaded condition. This can be a suitable intercrop in plantation based cropping system.

Benefit:Heliconia stricta have great ornamental and landscape value. Can be utilized as hedge plant, flower bed, specimen plants and as cut flower.

Source :Contact person with Name, Designation e-mail and phone no: Dr. V. Baskaran, Principal Scientist Phone: 9933292110

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