Heliconia psittacorumis an evergreen, perennial, rhizomatous erectherbaceous upright small and exotically tropical plant. The species resembles an ornamental plant known commonly as bird-of-paradise. This species was first commercially cultivated at Denmark in 1980’s and later spread to other countries. They bloom abundantly all year. “Flower” heads appear to be hand painted and glow with brilliant colours and greenish yellow flowers with black spot near apex. It is indigenous to the Amazon rainforest. Heliconia psittacorum flowers are actually highly modified leaves and bracts growing up 2.5 m height. The long-pointed leaves are shiny green. The pinkish-red bracts arise from a central point on the stem. The spike length ranges from 20-30 cm. Beautiful frosty cream colored bracts, shading from pinkish-red to mauve to the tips. Its sepals are cream colored with green-black bands. The number of spikes per clump per year ranges from 25-40. The varieties under this species are Tropics, Golden Torch, Petra Orange, Sassy and Lady Di. Moist humid tropical condition is highly suitable for growing this crop. The flowers are long lasting with shelf life upto 2 weeks. Alkaline soil is not suitable for this crop and the plant may develop chlorosis symptoms.
Benefit:Heliconia psittacorum is the fastest growing ornamental plant and is highly suitable in landscape horticulture as flower bed and mass planting in parks.
Source : Contact person with Name, Designation e-mail and phone no: Dr. V. Baskaran, Principal Scientist Email:V.Baskaran@icar.gov.in Phone: 9933292110