Heliconia latispatha is a herbaceous perennial and is native to Tropical America. The leaves are simple, alternate, long petioled with lanceolate leaf blade. The relatively inconspicuous flowers emerge from gaudy, claw-shaped, reddish-orange floral bracts. The floral bracts are arranged spirally in upright position ranging in colours of orange, red and yellow. There are four varieties of this species are maintained at ICAR-CIARI and are H. latispatha Cv. Scarlet Orange, H. latispatha Cv. Scarlet Orange Kairo, H. latispatha Cv. Distans, H. latispatha Cv Big Yellow and H. latispatha Cv. Yellow. The height of the plant ranges from 1.5 -2.0 m and is suitable for landscape horticulture and also a potted plant. It prefers to grow in moist condition and fully shaded condition interrupts the flowering frequency of the species. The species is commonly propagated through rhizomes. Flowering initiated in 125 -140 days after planting of rhizomes. The species yields 10-15 flowering spikes per clump per year. The flowering season of this species is April to September. The spike length ranges from 32- 41 cm. The stalk length of flower is 50 cm. The vase life of flowers ranges from 5 -7 days.
Benefit:Heliconia latispatha species have great potential to be used as cut flower due to their beauty, rusticity and in general good postharvest longevity. It can be utilized as specimen plant, backdrop plants and group planting for giving mass effect. This species is highly adapted to tropical humid climatic condition of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Source : Contact person with Name, Designation e-mail and phone no: Dr. V. Baskaran, Principal Scientist Email:V.Baskaran@icar.gov.in Phone: 9933292110