Heliconia chartacea is an evergreen perennial, rhizomatous herbaceous species reaching a height of 3-4 m. The plant possess oblong leaves and leaf lamina is subdivided perpendicular to rachis in numerous sections having different breadth. The leaf length ranges from 2.5 to 3.0 m with 25 to 30 cm breadth. The leaves and inflorescence have waxy coating. The inflorescence are drooping nature with robust peduncle which grows to a length of 1.5 m. The colour of bract varies from pink to scarlet red and the number of bracts per inflorescence ranges from 12-24. This species is more ornamental in the genus Heliconia which have numerous varieties among which the most famous and diffused are the Sexy Pink and Sexy Scarlet which are maintained at ICAR-CIARI. This species can be cultivated in humid tropical region in organic enriched soil. It is adapted to partially shaded condition. Under sub-tropical condition, the species is grown as a potted plant. The inflorescence are long lasting and have shelf life of two weeks. Flowering will be initiated one year after planting of rhizomes. About 22-24 spikes can be harvested per clump per year.
Benefit:Heliconia chartacea have huge ornamental potential and can be exploited for cut flower purpose and specimen plant in landscape horticulture.
Source :Contact person with Name, Designation e-mail and phone no: Dr. V. Baskaran, Principal Scientist Email:V.Baskaran@icar.gov.in Phone: 9933292110