Last Updated:23rd June,2022  

Brinjal Varieties


CARI Brinjal 1

It is a medium duration (124 days) bacterial wilt resistant variety suitable for Rabi cultivation (October to May) and released (2013) for Andaman and Nicobar Islands. This variety is medium tall with profuse branching, big oblong & light green fruits with less seeds. It yields about 25-35 t/ha and has drought tolerance ability during water stress conditions.


CARI Brinjal 2

It is a medium duration (120 days) bacterial wilt resistant variety suitable for Rabi cultivation (October to May) and released (2017) for Andaman and Nicobar Islands. This variety is medium tall with profuse branching, medium oblong & purple fruits with less seeds. It yields about 25-30 t/ha.

 ICAR Mail