Last Updated:23rd June,2022  

CIARI Scientists impart agricultural technologies and regenerative agricultural practices to Nicobari farmers at Car Nicobar

Establishment of Mini Incubator at Baratang by CIARI
Capacity building programmes for Nicobari tribal farmers

A scientific team of ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Garacharma visited Tapoiming, Kinyuka, Chukchucha, Tamaloo, Perka and Big Lapathy villages of Car Nicobar between 15th and 22nd March 2022 and conducted capacity building programmes for Nicobari tribal farmers on “Regenerative agricultural practices for Island based Cropping System” and “Agricultural technologies for enhancing the income and nutritional security of tribals”. During the programme, Dr. I. Jaisankar, Senior Scientist (Forestry) explained about the use of multipurpose tree species for efficient resource utilization, conservation of endemic plant biodiversity to mitigate the impact of climate change, and organic waste management and integrated pest and disease management. Dr. R. JayakumaraVaradan, Scientist (Agricultural Economics) explained about the CIARI technologies and package of practices of potential vegetable crops for a nutritious kitchen garden.. Dr. K. Venkatesan, Scientist (Economic Botany) explained about the nutritional benefits of millets and pulses; and package of practices of ragi.

In total, 350 farmers from 6 villages participated in this seriesof awareness cum training programme. All were given quality planting materials of vegetables, ragi, sweet potato, passion fruit, jamun and jack fruit; and farm implements such as hand hoes, secateurs and hand sprayers for establishing nutritious kitchen gardens in their backyard. Shri John, Project Assistant demonstrated the cultivation of planting material and usage of the tools in Nicobari language. The whole programme was assisted by Shri Mohamed Sherif, Technician of KVK, Nicobar and conducted under the guidance of Dr. E.B. Chakurkar, Director, CIARI, Dr. B. Augustine Jerard, Head, Division of Horticulture and Forestry, Dr. S.K. Zamir Ahmed, In-charge, Social Science Section, Dr. P.K. Singh, Head of FCIP and Dr. Y. Ramakrishna, Head, KVK, Nicobar.

 ICAR Mail